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اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد المساهمات : 123
تاريخ التسجيل : 16/08/2009
العمر : 28

everything Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: everything   everything Emptyالخميس يوليو 07, 2011 9:47 pm

salam alikom brothers and sisters. I
have the honor to begin my first topic in this wonderful forum by this
extra amazing story about a new muslimah and her motionless daughter.
once you finish reading, would you tell us what you learnt or noticed
from the story

Breathing hope


Andrei Roxana Elena
from Romania

My story of converting into Islam began
when I tried to search for God , for my self , who I am , who is that
world and so many questions connected with this life – like every body
of you . I felt all the time restless , add to this some health
problems . I began to read Quran , learn , think …all the questions
that nagged me have been laid to rest on reading Quran . NOW, I am a
new person , with a new soul and a new character ….I won't bother you
of my troubles though I have many – Only God knows

The reason why I write this story is My angel daughter " Alexandra".
My sweet angel who suffers so much, locked into a world of silence and
impotence to do anything alone. How much I love her? Well, how much
can love a mother, her child? There are not enough words to express the
love of a mother for her children. She is suffering from brain
paralysis since she was born , she is now 19 years old . she is not
able to speak, not even one word. , she is motionless. Some sounds or
very adorable laugh or smile or a cry with painful tears are the only
instruments of her communication with me or people around her

When I converted to Islam , I began to
learn some verses from Quran , I am not clever at Arabic , I just read
Quran with English letters (transliteration ) , but I understand what I
read .It wasn't long time before I began to sense the beautiful world ,
beautiful words fills my ears and my soul …I am not alone …I am no
longer that person who was all the time shut in

My flat is so small , I have to do the
prayer by my daughter , I can't leave her for a minute –believe me –
can't leave her for a minute . She is all the time in trouble , needs
something . Have you ever left your newly-born baby alone while it is
awake ?!!!So I have to do my prayer next to her bed that she has never

When I do my prayer next to her , she
changes completely , she turns so happy , peaceful signs cross her face
, she laughs , she is happy , yes, she is happy , I know her . My
restless angel ( Alexandera ) turns to be quiet , calm and so happy
when I do prayer before her

For me, all that comes from Allaah mean joy, no matter what
it is, He, The Greatest, The All-Knower, will never leave me if I
believe and submit to Him. So, seeing my helpless child being so happy
and ******* with the words of Allaah from the Holy Qur’an, it was the
sweetest thing and blessing from The One that I owed all I have,
including my self . Shall I stop counting all the blessings that Allaah
gave it to me? No! After a month of daily prayers in front of my girl
Alexandra, another miracle happened. ,,Qul Huwa Allaahu Ahadun” (Say (O Muhammad (Peace be upon him)): "He is Allāh, (the) One, the first verse from the Surah Al-Ikhlas, which I use to recite in all my prayers

Believe it or not

One day, right before I start to pray Asr,
my girl said her first words in 19 years: , yes the first word since
her birth , do you know what did she say ? She said "Qual Ua”. The
first word in the first verse … My heart was overwhelmed with the
greatest happiness and my prayer was more ardent than ever before for
Allaah, The Only One ,Who made that possible. I wasn’t astonished,
rather happy, because I know and I will never forget how my heart
reacted when I have listened to Qur’an for the first time and also when
I start to read Qur’an or when I prayed for the first time and when I
prayed in Arabic and practically in each escond of all my seconds of
life, since I discovered the right way and the true religion, Islam

As a mother , I was all the time depressed
, wishing to hear my 19-year old daughter say any word . when I
converted to Islam , I submitted my whole self to God , It doesn’t
matter if my child will start to speak or not ; it doesn’t matter if
she will ever repeat those words or others; it doesn’t matter if she
understands or not what’s happening; all that matters is the fact that
Allaah is with her and blessed me even if it was for only once or for a
brief moment. I am Muslim and I am happy. I am Muslim and I know that
Allaah will never leave me as far as I believe in Him and worship Him

Probably, you, people who’ll read my story
will put on serious question:first if this really possible and second,
if I am telling the truth. So, I will say to you, my reader, before
even you try to believe or not my story and this miracle of Allaah,
just go and look at yourself into a mirror. Look well and tell me what
you see. If you cannot see that you are a miracle of Allaah, if you
cannot see Allaah in all of what you have, and then you start not to
believe my story, because, we are Allaah’s miracles. He creates us.
Then? Why you’ll not believe that if He made us from dust, He can make
any other miracle? Anyway, believe it or not, I cannot be otherwise
than happy to be witness of it and to see my child so close to Allaah
saying her first word in this life after nineteen years of silence
---yes her first word was ( Say that God is one
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